There is no better training than by being actively involved We all learn better by trying things out. Our serious games and simulations deliver results by putting the player in charge, in a safe environment, where they are free to experiment. Simulations offer the best training tool as they enable the learner to actively engage …
Measure everything…it’s important As the saying goes ‘you can’t manage what you don’t measure’. We’re here to make things better. And we know we’ve got to measure everything along the way to achieve excellence – for us, our partners and our players. By measuring players’ capabilities we can help them improve their understanding and performance. …
Engaging Lives, Improving Lives, Saving Lives PlayGen Health combines established principles of learning and scientific research with playful gaming mechanisms to deliver innovative solutions for behavioural change within the healthcare industry. Focus areas include general wellbeing, disease management and compliance. Benefits Re-Education and Health Solutions Our interactives are designed to tackle three core focus areas: …
Influence your audience Changing attitudes and entrenched behaviours is difficult, but this is our expertise. We understand that tackling such issues requires far more than making a playful experience or developing an information resource. Why are serious games or simulations good for influencing behaviour? At PlayGen we’ve captivated the imaginations of audiences from soldiers to …
Engaging your audience is the key to success Engaging an audience means getting them thinking, reacting and actively involved. It transforms their understanding and learning experience. As children, we all learn about the world around us through play. When approached in the right way, playing with games and simulations provides a powerful tool for engaging …