Is this the end of gamification? We explore the business and case studies of gamification platforms and providers and look ahead.
James Allsopp our Design Guru discusses Addingplay Gamification toolkit at the Gamification of Insurance event.
Gamification is now regarded as one of the most effective and lucrative methods of marketing available today. Rarely have products or brands been able to exercise such control over consumer behavior and this is why gamification and the use of meta games is being employed across the internet. Gamification is set to continue as an …
Gamification is a great way to maximize user loyalty and drive profits for your website. There are a variety of different ways to go about making the transition towards game-centric strategies. Firstly, gamification specialists like BigDoor Media have successfully made their business by replicating this model. These specialists provide the tools and expertise to companies …
When it comes to explaining the growth of the gaming industry, many believe that humans are instinctively competitive in nature. As a collective, we spend a majority of our lives seeking to maximize our potential and in many cases, the presence of an outside influence will ignite a further desire for self-improvement. So here we …
There are certain key elements to be aware of when setting up a service or product for gamification. Firstly, the process by which a company consciously increases consumer loyalty, interaction, and overall interest amongst its audience in purchasing a service or product through the use of ‘game play’ techniques. Over time, this has become a …
Gamification is a relatively modern process that is steadily immersing itself in the rapid acceleration and advancement of modern technology. The principles behind gamification, stem from its ability to sell a product or brand more effectively using meta games to help involve customers on a more engrossing level. These playful experiences, more commonly known as …