There is no better training than by being actively involved
We all learn better by trying things out. Our serious games and simulations deliver results by putting the player in charge, in a safe environment, where they are free to experiment.
Simulations offer the best training tool as they enable the learner to actively engage with the topic and experience it
They are particularly effective when:
- The content is critical or risk of failure is high – either in monetary terms, injury or death.
- The content is complex or difficult to communicate using traditional methods.
- The content is made up of actions and decisions within a system.
- The learners need to be more engaged than they are using current methods.
In many circumstances, the cost of getting things wrong or not knowing what to do is high. In some industries it can seriously hit the bottom line. In others it can mean the difference between life and death. This gets in the way of learning by experience. You wouldn’t want a doctor or a pilot trying out a new idea whilst you were in their hands. You wouldn’t want your Head of Finance taking a punt on a completely new investment strategy without walking through the consequences. But we all need our staff and students to test out new ideas in order to push the boundaries and get ahead.
Open Source Virtual World
We create interactive learning environments where learners explore real life situations and learn by doing.
By using gaming technology and interactive experiences, we can fully immerse users in the topic, so that they are trained more effectively, and in less time. Geared to exactly match your specific goals, our content provides learners with:
- Transformational training.
- Deeper interaction with the subject.
- Better understanding of the content in context.
- Sharpened skills through motivating hands-on experience.
With dedicated focus and constant communication, we are with you every step of the learning process, making adjustments whenever necessary. Our job is only complete when your employees and students can flawlessly execute the proper skills and behaviours identified for success.
Anti-money Laundering Trainer
We train using serious games and simulations by incorporating:
- Clear goals which push players/learners to achieve.
- Rules that set the parameters within which goals can be achieved, reflecting practical limitations.
- Competition, challenge and problem solving at personalised levels of difficulty which inspire players and learners to continuously test new solutions and improve their knowledge and skills
- Continuous feedback about performance and steps that could be taken to further improve
- An exciting, interesting and engaging experience which fully immerses the player or learner in the subject matter.
Data Security Trainer
We can help you bring difficult subjects to life, by putting the learner in control and allowing them to experiment without fear of failing until they understand the topic fully.