Engaging young people with nuclear energy production through a gamified simulation.
Automatic, Multi-Grained elasticity-provisioning for the cloud. A highly advanced Cloud hosting system.
A social game for students to explore and develop their own virtual life, where decisions affect prosperity, achievements and happiness.
An online directory of all the digital creative companies in Shoreditch, utilising gamification mechanisms to encourage participation, exploration, and monetization of the platform.
A multiplayer social game for engaging and influencing individuals with strong ideological views.
A highly adaptable network visualisation and discovery tool that encourages users to find and connect with other people who share similar interests.
A community influence platform that renders all the scattered parts of the Tech City cluster visible, illuminating the gaps, highlighting the opportunities and predicting the outcomes of interventions.
A social magazine app designed for solomo experiences that pulls together the latest offers and deals in the user’s local area.
A game that encourages attendees at conference events to contribute their thoughts, as well as connect and playfully interact with other guests and event showcases.
A highly engaging gaming framework for encouraging and supporting adults with low literacy to develop and improve their reading skills.